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In 2013 new professional society has been established – Czech Podology Society.  In this association professionals of preventive and recondition care for foot are associated. The members of our Society are mainly pedicurists, physiotherapists, foot healthcare and complex care professionals.
Above all the support and development of foot complex care, professional growth of our members, informing them and support of their interests are main goals of our society. We provide our members with legal protection, trade license or Sanitary Code consulting.
Pedicurists are the most numerous member group of the Czech Podology Society involved in training in podology skills like finger and toenail straightening in orthodox way – othonyxia, replacement of missing nail discs – nail prosthesis, modelling of simple correction tools or basic feet cure.  We train our specialists in the spheres of knowledge they definitely need for their activity. They are for instance medical specialisations like dermatology, diabetology, neurology, surgery, orthopedy and also the non-medical or alternative special skills like foot physiotherapy or reflexology treatment.

What can this membership bring to you?
The occasion to become member of the biggest organisation associating  non-medical professionals from one interest sphere – foot care is the most essential benefit. The optimal benefit of your membership is promotion of your centre or person in the Map of Providers of Podology Services within these web pages. In addition to that interesting discount on training events, subscription fee of special magazines and access to the training system that provides our members with education in all podology skills and offers them original titles in podology so they can differ from others. Our members can obtain entrance tickets for Czech or Slovak trade fairs free of charge and only members are allowed to participate in some special events. Members are entitled to vote bodies of the Society and participate in the development of Czech and Slovak podology. Our legal and trade license consulting services are for members only.
The membership in the Czech Podology Society is voluntary.  If you do not see any reason to become our member, just continue in your good work and do not become our member. Since a long time people have been associating in various organisations and associations. They associate in order to form a strong group of people with similar interests - and in our case the only one – healthy and functional foot. Therefore the whole society will be then healthy and functional when people keen for organised meeting and systematic training will associate and will be happy that they can be part of bigger unit able to protect their interests and which is here to improve their professional life and on the basis of their comments, knowledge and proposal also able to change something.
From the history we know, that only those who hold together are strong. Many things have to be changed. The educational system, methodology and subsidies in retraining schemes, the condition for training and other education should be stricter. Also the pedicurist competences should be changed and special podology trade licence introduced, to improve trade license conditions and sanitary code and set rules for this trade. This is only part of the big challenge awaiting us and what should be done within a long term view.  And this can be achieved only by a group, not an individual.
Our Society has been established recently nevertheless, we entered the world of professional with rocket speed. Our steps and objectives are clear. Believe me, I am experienced and I know we will be strong and successful – if we are united.
Jaroslav Fešar
President and Founder of the Czech Podology Society, r.a.

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